Powerball for Cycling


Whether you are suffering from cycling-related repetitive strain injuries like handlebar palsy; or simply looking to build strength and endurance to up your cycling game, Powerball has got you covered. Find out why over 4 million people worldwide have benefited from Powerball and see how you can improve your cycling performance with this unique and powerful device.

Increase Cycling EnduranceRehab Injuries Like Handlebar PalsyStay Protected While Cycling


Increase Cycling Endurance

Powerball’s unique resistance training is revolutionary in the way it strengthens the fingers, hands, wrists & arms. Isometric exercise with Powerball is most effective at building endurance as it replicates the pressure cycling puts on your muscles. Spin Powerball at fast speeds for as little as 3 minutes a day and notice the difference in your cycling in under two weeks. Powerball’s isometric exercise engages a far higher percentage of muscle fibres than isotonic exercise (weight training) does allowing you to achieve strength and endurance gains faster. Feel stronger, less stiff and more mobile even on longer cycles – it’s as simple as Powerball.


Rehab Injuries Like Handlebar Palsy

Handlebar Palsy (also known as Cyclists Palsy or ulnar neuropathy) is perhaps the most common cycling-related injury. Riding an improperly adjusted bike for long periods with the wrists compressed at an angle; or shock and vibration transmitted from the handlebars while riding across uneven terrain causes inflammation of the ulnar nerve running down the forearm into the wrist. This results in numbness, tingling, and pain, usually in the elbow, outer forearm, hands or fingers.

Isometric exercise with Powerball brings rapid relief to handlebar palsy. Powerball helps to significantly strengthen the forearm flexors & extensors which are the two main muscles in the lower arm. This allows for mobility and increases range of motion at the wrist joint. This unique form of training enhances muscle endurance and flexibility and helps greatly reduce the occurrence of dreaded Handlebar Palsy for cyclists.


Stay Protected While Cycling

Powerball is body armour for the wrists. Spinning Powerball for as little as 3 minutes a day is enough to significantly protect your hands, wrists and forearms and reduce the likelihood of sustaining an injury both on and off the bike. Exercise with Powerball allows for greater mobility, flexibility and endurance in your limbs and trains them to better cope with the pressure that comes with long cycling trips.

Use Powerball on a daily basis and/or before and after a cycle to warm up your wrists and keep stiffness from setting in during your ride. What is a great cycle if you’re left with painful wrists afterwards? Powerball allows you to cycle faster for longer while benefiting from active injury protection – always.


Stay Protected While Cycling

Powerball is body armour for the wrists. Spinning Powerball for as little as 3 minutes a day is enough to significantly protect your hands, wrists and forearms and reduce the likelihood of sustaining an injury both on and off the bike. Exercise with Powerball allows for greater mobility, flexibility and endurance in your limbs and trains them to better cope with the pressure that comes with long cycling trips.

Use Powerball on a daily basis and/or before and after a cycle to warm up your wrists and keep stiffness from setting in during your ride. What is a great cycle if you’re left with painful wrists afterwards? Powerball allows you to cycle faster for longer while benefiting from active injury protection – always.


No matter what your game, improve it with Powerball.

Check out the pages below to see how Powerball can help you improve your sporting performance today.

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