Build Hand and Finger Strength Post-Injury with Powerball


Rehabilitation doesn’t always mean ‘completely healed’. Even after you’ve fully recovered from a hand or finger injury, the limb can still be left feeling weak or tender. Muscle atrophy may have occurred or the joint might still be painful to move. This is why it is incredibly important to build hand and finger strength after an injury. Strengthening weak hands or fingers will help you regain lost power and ensures that injury doesn’t reoccur. And what better way to build hand and finger strength than with Powerball, the world’s most effective hand exercise device.

Spinning Powerball for as little as 3 minutes a day helps you complete your path to injury recovery and allows you to take back control of your hand and finger health. Try Powerball for yourself today and see why over 4 million customers use Powerball to successfully rehabilitate and strengthen their upper body.

Build Hand and Finger StrengthRelieve Hand and Finger PainCombat Muscle AtrophyPrevent Injury from Reoccurring


Build Hand and Finger Strength

Strengthening previously injured muscles and joints is just as important as rehabilitating them. Even though an injury has healed, your muscles and joints can still feel weak and sore. Spinning Powerball gradually strengthens any weak areas in the muscles or joints, allowing you to regain full hand and finger strength in a matter of weeks.

How does Powerball strengthen?

When you spin Powerball, it generates isometric resistance. This isometric resistance engages your limbs and gently stimulates the injured muscle or joint with non-impact, pulsating pressure. This pressure gradually strengthens the limb, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and strong once more.

Best of all, isometric resistance is a form of non-impact resistance which will not place any extra strain or pressure on sore or weak muscles and joints. This means you can start using Powerball to build hand and finger strength as soon as you feel strong enough to do so. Isometric exercise with Powerball will never serve to worsen an injury or cause it to reoccur.


Combat Muscle Atrophy

Many severe hand and finger injuries will require you to rest the limb in a cast for a few weeks. This is often the only way for the limb to heal, but it doesn’t come without risk – Muscle atrophy (muscle wastage) can occur when your muscles are underused as a result of injury. This often happens if your hand or finger is kept stationary in a cast or splint for a few weeks.

Powerball combats muscle atrophy by building hand and finger strength during and after rehabilitation. By strengthening muscle and tendon tissue, Powerball helps you maintain muscle mass throughout your entire recovery period.


Relieve Hand & Finger Pain

Spinning Powerball at slow speeds will increase circulation along the entire kinetic chain of your arm, from fingertip to shoulder. Increase circulation and you increase the flow of oxygen-rich nutrients to sore areas, such as painful tendons or joints in the hand and fingers. These nutrients act fast and will relieve hand and finger pain almost immediately. All it takes is 3 minutes of Powerball exercise a day to feel the benefits. Relive pain, rehabilitate injury and build hand and finger strength – it’s as simple as Powerball.


Prevent Injury from Reoccuring

Powerball is the world’s most effective gyroscopic device for building hand and finger strength. Think of it as an extra layer of body armour for your hands and fingers: regular exercise with Powerball will help you to fully regain power after injury and will greatly lower the chances of you incurring that injury again by helping you maintain excellent hand and finger health.

We always recommend that you continue to exercise with Powerball even after you’ve fully recovered from an injury. Exercise with Powerball on a regular basis and actively combat any symptoms of RSI (repetitive strain injuries) which stem from common activities, such as computer use, driving, mobile phone use, manual work and more. Keep your hands and fingers feeling strong, supple and pain-free with Powerball.


Prevent Injury from Reoccuring

Powerball is the world’s most effective gyroscopic device for building hand and finger strength. Think of it as an extra layer of body armour for your hands and fingers: regular exercise with Powerball will help you to fully regain power after injury and will greatly lower the chances of you incurring that injury again by helping you maintain excellent hand and finger health.

We always recommend that you continue to exercise with Powerball even after you’ve fully recovered from an injury. Exercise with Powerball on a regular basis and actively combat any symptoms of RSI (repetitive strain injuries) which stem from common activities, such as computer use, driving, mobile phone use, manual work and more. Keep your hands and fingers feeling strong, supple and pain-free with Powerball.


Do you have one of the following injuries?

Be sure to check out the above pages for more information on hand and finger rehabilitation and strengthening.

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