Forearm Rehab Exercises Made Easy with Powerball


Building strength in your arm can be difficult after an injury. The extended period of rest required for recovery means your arm is less engaged and muscle wastage can be an issue. Luckily, there is Powerball – a revolutionary device for arm rehab and strengthening. Spinning this unique gyroscope for as little as 3 minutes a day can help you regain the strength needed for a fast and effective recovery.

See for yourself why over 4 million people worldwide enjoy the myriad of benefits that come with spinning a Powerball.

Build Muscle Mass After InjuryBenefit from Non-Impact Arm RehabReduce Reduce Recovery TimesPrevent Future Injury


Build Muscle Mass After Injury

Muscle wastage (atrophy) can sometimes be an inevitable side effect of arm injury. Muscle wastage usually occurs during recovery, when your muscles are less engaged. Atrophy is particularly common when you have suffered from a fracture or sprain and your arm is put in a cast. Once your injury has healed and you regain mobility in your arm again, it is important that you start building muscle mass by practicing regular strength training. Spinning Powerball for just 3 minutes a day is enough to effectively build muscle along the entire kinetic chain of the arm, counteracting the effects of atrophy.


Benefit from Non-Impact Arm Rehab

Even if your injury has fully healed, your arm will still be weak post-recovery, especially if you have suffered a fracture or undergone surgery. Spinning Powerball generates 100% non-impact isometric resistance, which places absolutely zero strain on sore or weak muscle and bones.
You control your recovery: choose the speed and intensity of your arm rehab, simply by spinning Powerball faster or slower – the choice is yours. With this in mind, you need never worry about over-exerting yourself or worsening your injury when you exercise with Powerball.

What types of arm rehab can Powerball be used for?

  • Fractured or broken arm
  • Sprained arm/elbow
  • Repetitive strain injuries (RSI)
  • Post-surgery rehabilitation
  • General arm rehab & strengthening

Reduce Recovery Times

Powerball’s dual action of strengthening and rehabilitation is what sets it apart from other exercise devices. Spinning Powerball allows you to strengthen as you recover, which helps your muscles and bones to heal faster. An arm injury, such as a fractured arm or sprain can really only heal itself over time, however using Powerball supercharges the healing process, cutting rehabilitation times and ensuring long-lasting results. You really have to spin this incredible gyroscope to feel the difference – pick up a Powerball today and experience the benefits for yourself.


Prevent Future Forearm Injuries

As you grow stronger, you can gradually build spin speed and quickly progress through each stage of your recovery. But don’t stop there – continuing to use Powerball for arm rehab on a regular basis even after you have fully recovered from an arm injury is a great way to maintain muscle mass and joint health. Its compact size makes it easy to spin Powerball on the go, in the car or at the office. Regular strengthening sessions with Powerball ensure your arms remain healthy and strong, greatly reducing the risk of sustaining another arm injury in the future.


Prevent Future Forearm Injuries

As you grow stronger, you can gradually build spin speed and quickly progress through each stage of your recovery. But don’t stop there – continuing to use Powerball for arm rehab on a regular basis even after you have fully recovered from an arm injury is a great way to maintain muscle mass and joint health. Its compact size makes it easy to spin Powerball on the go, in the car or at the office. Regular strengthening sessions with Powerball ensure your arms remain healthy and strong, greatly reducing the risk of sustaining another arm injury in the future.


Do you have one of the following injuries?

Check out the following pages to learn more about related arm injuries:

Regular exercise with Powerball is a simple, yet effective way to maintain upper-body health and rehabilitate injury. Spin Powerball for as little as 3 minutes a day to alleviate the symptoms of pain and start feeling strong, healthy & pain-free once more.

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