Effective Relief with Powerball Exercises for Osteoarthritis


Wrist osteoarthritis is a painful inflammation of the joint(s) following erosion and breakdown of articular cartilage – the ‘shock absorber’ – on the ends of the bones. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and is also known as degenerative arthritis or arthrosis and is a form of wear and tear on the joints that usually occurs from injuries, age or over-use.
Powerball is a unique force for strengthening, lubricating and giving mobility to the wrist joint.

Wrist Osteoarthritis can be a debilitating condition that can be eased by the daily use of Powerball. Find out why over 4 million people have benefited from our products.

Soothe Pain from OsteoarthritisReduce Stiffness in the JointBenefit from Non-Impact Resistance


Soothe Pain from Osteoarthritis

Powerball generates resistance as you spin it. Even at slow speeds, spinning Powerball is enough to greatly increase circulation and stimulate the flow of oxygen-rich nutrients to inflammation in the wrist. The extra influx of oxygen and nutrients gently soothes any pain and gives relief to the symptoms of osteoarthritis after only a few seconds.

Spinning Powerball on a regular basis will help to maintain strength and a healthy level of oxygen in the wrist joint. While this might not be enough to keep the symptoms of osteoarthritis at bay all of the time, simply giving Powerball a quick spin when you begin to feel the effects of this condition is a simple, risk-free solution with almost immediate effect. The only pain killer you need: Keep Powerball in your bag, car or by the TV for regular spin sessions that will soothe pain and discomfort whenever you need it.


Reduce Stiffness in the Joint

One of the key benefits of Powerball exercise is its ability to stimulate the production of synovial fluid, a natural lubricant. As Powerball takes your wrist through its full circumduction (the circular movement of a limb), it increases the amount of this gel-like substance which can be found in all mobile joints.

Synovial fluid lubricates the wrist joint to:

  • reduce stiffness
  • increase flexibility
  • extend range of motion in the wrist joint

This in turn reduces the pain and stiffness caused by inflammation from osteoarthritis and gradually encourages mobility again.


Benefit from Non-Impact Resistance

As you spin Powerball, it generates isometric resistance. Isometric resistance is 100% non-impact. This means that exercise with Powerball will never cause you further pain or serve to worsen your osteoarthritis in some way. As a result, you can use Powerball even if you are already experiencing pain or stiffness in your wrist or fingers. Start by rotating your wrist in slow gentle motions and keep Powerball spinning at a slow speed. After only a few seconds, you should begin to feel any stiffness or pain from osteoarthritis begin to fade.

It is important to remember that while there is no known cure for osteoarthritis, exercise with Powerball can greatly help to relive the symptoms associated with this condition.


Benefit from Non-Impact Resistance

As you spin Powerball, it generates isometric resistance. Isometric resistance is 100% non-impact. This means that exercise with Powerball will never cause you further pain or serve to worsen your osteoarthritis in some way. As a result, you can use Powerball even if you are already experiencing pain or stiffness in your wrist or fingers. Start by rotating your wrist in slow gentle motions and keep Powerball spinning at a slow speed. After only a few seconds, you should begin to feel any stiffness or pain from osteoarthritis begin to fade.

It is important to remember that while there is no known cure for osteoarthritis, exercise with Powerball can greatly help to relive the symptoms associated with this condition.


Check out the following pages to learn more about related wrist conditions:

Using Powerball for as little as 3 minutes each day is a simple, yet effective way to combat and relieve the symptoms associated with osteoarthritis.
Stay strong, healthy & pain-free with Powerball.


Other Methods of Osteoarthritis Treatment

Physical activity –While you may not always feel like it, it is important to keep moving when suffering from osteoarthritis. Even simple activities, such as walking, are enough to reduce pain, improve circulation and ease stiffness in joints.

Natural remedies – Many people with osteoarthritis find natural remedies, such as supplements, oils and even certain foods to be beneficial to their overall heath and well-being.

Massage therapy – Engaging in massage and other relaxation therapies have also been found to be very beneficial for those suffering from osteoarthritis. Massage can help stimulate blood flow, which in return helps to reduce stiffness, inflammation and pain in joints and muscles.

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