Powerball for De Quervain's Tenosynovitis Treatment


De Quervain’s tenosynovitis is a painful condition that affects the tendons connecting the thumb to the wrist. If left untreated, the condition can start to affect other areas of the arm, including your thumb and forearm. Powerball is a highly-effective rehabilitation device that can be used for de Quervain’s tenosynovitis treatment. Spinning Powerball for as little as 3 minutes a day is enough to relieve pain and symptoms associated with this condition, and will help get your wrist back to healthy, active and pain-free movement in just a few short weeks.

Try Powerball for yourself today and see why over 4 million customers have used Powerball to successfully rehabilitate and strengthen their upper-body.

Rehabilitate Quervain’s DiseaseRelieve PainReduce Recovery TimesPrevent Tenosynovitis Symptoms


Rehabilitate Quervain’s Disease

Why Powerball for de Quervain’s tenosynovitis treatment?

Powerball generates resistance as you spin it. The faster you spin Powerball, the more resistance created. Spinning Powerball at slow speeds is enough to greatly increase circulation and stimulate the flow of oxygen-rich nutrients to damaged tendons in the wrist. Here, these nutrients act fast to relieve pain and repair any damage –providing you with gentle and effective de Quervain’s tenosynovitis rehabilitation.

What’s more, isometric resistance with Powerball is 100% non-pact. This means that exercise with Powerball will never serve to worsen your injury or cause you further pain. Isometric resistance is different to standard eccentric (lengthening of the muscle) and concentric (shortening of the muscle) rehabilitation practices, such as weight lifting, as it keeps the muscle static. Isometric exercise instead rehabilitates by sending gentle, rhythmic pulses to muscle and tendons, gradually strengthening them for maximum recovery impact.


Relieve Pain

Powerball’s gentle resistance promotes circulation to the hand and wrist. This increased flow of blood and oxygen immediately relieves any pain and stiffness in tendons that have been affected by Quervain’s disease. All it takes is 3 minutes a day of Powerball exercise to gradually feel the pain of De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis begin to fade away for good.


Reduce Recovery Times

As isometric resistance is non-impact, you can start the rehabilitation process with Powerball much sooner than you would with concentric and eccentric rehabilitation techniques. This is because you don’t have to wait for pain to subside before starting Powerball exercise. In fact, not only will using Powerball relieve painful tenosynovitis symptoms , but it won’t cause you further pain – meaning you can kick-start your de Quervain’s tenosynovitis treatment much earlier and as a result, recover much faster.

Best of all, Powerball’s unique process of strengthening as you recover further cuts recovery times. Gently strengthening the muscle and tendons as they repair quickly leaves you feeling stronger and healthier as you power through your de Quervain’s tenosynovitis treatment.


Prevent Tenosynovitis Symptoms

Although the exact cause of De Quervain’s disease is still relatively unknown, any repetitive task or wrist movement will likely make it worse. That’s why it is so important to understand what activity caused the condition and to be aware of how you can protect yourself when carrying out this same activity in the future.

Constant overuse of the tendons is usually what causes them to become irritated and inflamed, later developing into an RSI (repetitive strain injury), such as de Quervain’s tenosynovitis. Regular computer use is one of the largest causes of RSI and may very well be the cause of tenosynovitis symptoms for some people.

No matter what caused the condition, it’s important to stay protected and keep de Quervain’s tenosynovitis at bay. Powerball provides effective strengthening and is a simple and efficient form of de Quervain’s tenosynovitis treatment. All it takes is 3 minutes a day of Powerball exercise to stop and reverse the symptoms of this condition. Stay healthy, strong and pain-free with Powerball.


Prevent Tenosynovitis Symptoms

Although the exact cause of De Quervain’s disease is still relatively unknown, any repetitive task or wrist movement will likely make it worse. That’s why it is so important to understand what activity caused the condition and to be aware of how you can protect yourself when carrying out this same activity in the future.

Constant overuse of the tendons is usually what causes them to become irritated and inflamed, later developing into an RSI (repetitive strain injury), such as de Quervain’s tenosynovitis. Regular computer use is one of the largest causes of RSI and may very well be the cause of tenosynovitis symptoms for some people.

No matter what caused the condition, it’s important to stay protected and keep de Quervain’s tenosynovitis at bay. Powerball provides effective strengthening and is a simple and efficient form of de Quervain’s tenosynovitis treatment. All it takes is 3 minutes a day of Powerball exercise to stop and reverse the symptoms of this condition. Stay healthy, strong and pain-free with Powerball.


De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis Causes

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis is a painful and highly debilitating condition which originates from one or both tendons connecting the thumb to the forearm muscles as they pass out through the wrist joint. It is generally brought on by overuse of the thumb during any repetitive gripping action or simply from a blow to the hand/thumb area which causes the tendons to become inflamed and irritated. Drummers suffer particularly badly, as do players of all types of racquet sports as well as gardeners – albeit anyone, of any age, can be affected. The condition is far more common in women than men (10-1) and is particularly prevalent during pregnancy.

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis symptoms include:

  • Pain centred around the base of the thumb directly over both tendons
  • Soreness when straightening, extending the thumb or pinching things
  • Swelling & stiffness of the thumb and wrist area

Powerball is a powerful device that will rehabilitate your De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis and turbo-charge your recovery to leave you feeling healthy and pain-free within just a couple of weeks.


Do you have one of the following injuries?

Using Powerball for as little as 3 minutes each day is a simple, yet effective way to combat and relieve tenosynovitis symptoms and will leave you feeling strong, healthy & pain-free.

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