Breaks & Wrist Fracture Rehab Made Simple with Powerball


Out of the millions of broken bone injuries that occur every year, a wrist break or fracture is among the most common. This is no surprise, of course, since the wrist is one of the most active joints in the body. We rely on our wrists to greatly extend the mobility of our hands and fingers and so a wrist injury, such as a break or fracture, can have a massively negative impact on everyday life.

Keeping your wrists in top shape is easy with Powerball. All it takes is 3 minutes a day to maintain strong and healthy wrists and benefit from active injury prevention. Spinning Powerball affords you a simple way to experience effective wrist fracture rehab and provides effective strengthening to greatly reduce your chances of sustaining the same injury again.
Start your recovery with Powerball and experience the difference for yourself in just a few days.

Benefit from Fractured/Broken Wrist RehabStrengthen with Non-Impact ResistanceCombat Muscle AtrophyPrevent Future Wrist Breaks & Fractures


Benefit from Fractured/Broken Wrist Rehab

How does Powerball rehabilitate a wrist break?

Powerball generates resistance as you spin it. The faster you spin Powerball, the more resistance created. Spinning Powerball at slow speeds is enough to greatly increase circulation and stimulate the flow of oxygen-rich nutrients to damaged muscle or bone in the wrist. Here, these nutrients act fast to relieve pain and repair any damage –providing you with gentle and effective broken wrist rehab.

Powerball’s dual action of strengthening and rehabilitation is what sets it apart from other exercise devices. Spinning Powerball allows you to strengthen as you recover, which helps your ligaments and bones to heal faster. Wrist fracture rehab can be a slow process and a wrist break/fracture can really only heal itself over time, however using Powerball supercharges the healing process, cutting rehabilitation times and ensuring long-lasting results. You really have to spin this incredible gyroscope to feel the difference – pick up a Powerball and experience the benefits for yourself in just a matter of weeks.


Strengthen with Non-Impact Resistance

Even if your wrist break or fracture has healed, the limb will still be weak once you remove your cast. For this reason, it is very important to take steps to strengthen the limb and regain lost power after injury.

Exercise with Powerball fully engages the muscles along the entire kinetic chin of the arm, strengthening from fingertip to shoulder. Unlike concentric and eccentric exercises (e.g. weight lifting, pushing your hand against a wall, etc.) exercise with Powerball is fully isometric. Isometric exercise is 100% non-impact meaning it places absolutely zero strain on sore or weak ligaments or bones. With this in mind, you need never worry about over-exerting yourself or worsening your injury when you practice wrist break or wrist fracture rehab with Powerball.


Combat Muscle Atrophy

Muscle wastage (atrophy) can be an inevitable side effect of broken wrist recovery. As your wrist heals in a cast, the muscles surrounding the limb are not engaged and begin to waste away. Once your wrist break has healed, it is important that you start regaining muscle mass by practicing regular strength training. Powerball is the perfect device for broken wrist rehab. Spinning this incredible gyroscope for just 3 minutes a day is enough to effectively build muscle from fingertip to shoulder and combat the effects of muscle atrophy.


Prevent Future Wrist Breaks & Fractures

Continuing to use Powerball on a regular basis even after your break or wrist fracture rehab is a great way to maintain muscle mass and joint health. Its compact size makes it easy to spin Powerball on the go, in the car or at the office. Regular strengthening sessions with Powerball ensure your wrists remain healthy and strong, greatly reducing the risk of sustaining another wrist break or fracture in the future. All it takes is 3 minutes a day to benefit from Powerball’s long-lasting effects and keep yourself protected from fingertip to shoulder.

In addition to Powerball, we also offer a host of strengthening and rehabilitation products in our online store, including Metal Grip Strengtheners, Stress Balls, Resistance Trainers and more. Be sure to check out these highly beneficial tools and kick-start your wrist fracture rehab today.


Follow Wrist Fracture Rehab Programs

Here at Powerball, we have worked with physiotherapists and sports physicians to design a series of comprehensive exercises for broken wrist rehab. Follow our video programs or download our rehabilitation guide to benefit from a practical, step-by-step path to broken wrist recovery today. A full list of our video and rehabilitation programs can be found on the videos page of our website.


Do you have one of the following injuries?

Using Powerball for as little as 3 minutes each day is a simple, yet effective way to experience wrist fracture rehabilitation.
Stay strong, healthy & pain-free with Powerball.


Causes: A Broken or Fractured Wrist

The wrist is made up of eight small bones (carpal bones) which are each connected to two long forearm bones; the radius and the ulna. A break/fracture can occur in any of these bones however, the most common bone to break is the radius. This type of break is called a ‘distal radius fracture’ or ‘Colles fracture’. Fractures and breaks mean the same thing and may occur when a severe force impacts the bone, causing it to split or break. Impact injuries are the biggest cause of wrist breaks/fractures; however weak bones in general are also prone to such injuries.

You should always seek medical attention if you think you may be suffering from one of these injuries. Your doctor may perform an x-ray to ensure that no permanent damage has been done. If you are suffering from fractured wrist, your doctor will most likely secure the joint with a cast to keep the bone in place as it heals.

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