Cure Drumming Pain & Increase Endurance

Play Longer > Play Harder > Play Healthier
Powerball should be every drummer’s best friend.
As an art form, drumming places exceptional demands on the body. The lifestyle of a performer does not generally promote good health habits; late nights, and likely little time to warm-up all will all eventually conspire to negatively effect a drummers health. Good habits start today, and with Powerball, we can increase your health and enhance your performance!- Play faster by building fast twitch muscle reflexes in your fingers
- Play Longer by increasing your overall strength & drum endurance
- Warm up and warm down quickly and efficiently with Powerball to stay healthy
- Relieve & prevent repetitive strain injuries
- Powerball is an isometric exercise device that strengthens
- fingers
- hands
- wrists
- arms
Trusted by Physios and Professionals
Used and trusted by professional and amateur drummers around the world, it’s suitable for all skill levels. Used for endurance training and for rehabilitation Powerball is recommended by physios worldwide to help aid recovery from painful RSI conditions like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Tendonitis or breaks and fractures. Powerball is;
- Non-Impact – Gentle for rehabilitation / Perfect for warming up and down
- Can be High intensity- Powerball can create up to 60+ pounds of force (depends on how hard you push yourself)

How Powerball helps drum endurance/play?
Isometric training is also a highly efficient method of building muscle endurance. This helps you play for longer and reduces the risks of repetitive strain injuries in the elbows or wrists following long sessions. In fact, if you’re feeling stiff or sore following after 60 minutes of play, picking up and spinning Powerball for just 2-3 minutes will immediately reduce any discomfort and ensure full recovery prior to your next session – you can call it body armour for the wrists and arms.

What is a Powerball?
It’s difficult to describe the surreal feeling of the resistance generated by a “live” Powerball until you actually experience it for yourself. However, the tennis ball sized Powerball is a gyroscope – a hollow sphere that encases an internal rotor which spins on its own axis. When that interior rotor is accelerated through the action of turning your wrist in a circular motion, this creates a centrifugal force that works against the user; the faster the rotor spins, the greater the force generated and the harder the person is working. Spinning Powerball increases muscular control and stimulates blood flow, which aids rehabilitation and strengthening of all the muscles which are critical to playing the drums.
Physio Exercises
Using a Powerball for as little as 3 minutes daily will improve a drummer’s endurance while also helping them stay healthy from fingertip to shoulder. A full suite of physio designed strength & endurance exercises are available which target all of the muscle groups needed during play (see on this page below or under videos tab).