Powerball for Martial Arts
Powerball is the perfect hand-held exercise device for Martial Arts training. Build strength & endurance, carve flexibility and train your muscles for the ultimate grip –this simple yet incredibly powerful device will make the difference in your training. Experience fast twitch muscle reflexes and greater control to improve all elements of your game. Find out why over 4 million people worldwide have benefited from Powerball and see how you can improve your athletic performance with this unique and powerful device.
Increase Overall Strength & EnduranceBuild Better Grip Strength Enhance Flexibility & Range of MotionRehabilitate & Prevent Injuries
Increase Overall Strength & Endurance
Powerball’s unique resistance training is revolutionary in the way it strengthens the fingers, hands, wrists & arms. Isometric exercise with Powerball is most effective at building strength and endurance as it replicates the pressure a hard-hitting strike would put on your muscles. Spin Powerball at fast speeds for as little as 3 minutes a day and notice the difference in your training in less than two weeks. Powerball’s isometric exercise engages a far higher percentage of muscle fibres than isotonic exercise (weight training) does allowing you to achieve strength and endurance gains faster. Feel stronger, less stiff and more mobile in your martial arts training– it’s as simple as Powerball.
Build Better Grip Strength
Martial arts training requires movement from the whole body, however ultimately it’s the forearms and wrists which transmit ALL the force. You can have perfect form, a powerful core, and a secure stance, but if you have weak forearms and weak wrists, you might not stand a chance against your opponent. Powerball can generate over 27kgs of gyroscopic resistance and can train your upper-body limbs to become strong, powerful striking weapons. Trusted by martial arts enthusiasts worldwide, Powerball is the only device you need to add that extra advantage to your training. We guarantee you will feel the difference in your wrists and forearms within 7 days.
Enhance Flexibility & Range of Motion
A key skill when it comes to any form of martial arts training is the ability to combine fluid, flexible movement with force. Spinning Powerball for only a couple of minutes a day will significantly improve flexibility and range of motion from fingertip to shoulder. Even at slow speeds, Powerball exercise will significantly loosen up the joints and muscles by promoting the circulation of oxygen and encouraging the production of synovial fluid – a natural lubricant.
Keeping Powerball in your gear bag and using it to warm up/down before and after a training session will keep your muscles warm and supple – the ideal conditions for martial arts training. Reduce stiffness and see an overall improvement in your range of motion with just a couple of weeks of Powerball training.
Rehabilitate & Prevent Injuries
Your fingers, hands, arms and especially wrists are put under a lot of stress from the intense pressure of martial arts training. In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling, Judo or Akido where grappling heavy sessions can lead to acute force or impact injuries or chronic ongoing repetitive strain injuries. Powerball is uniquely adept at preventing and treating both of these types of injuries.
Powerball’s revolutionary isometric resistance exercise is highly effective at repairing damaged muscles and tendons, all the while increasing the strength and endurance of the upper limbs. This leads to a faster, more effective recovery and means that you can get back to training much sooner than you otherwise might have.
Not only does Powerball exercise rehabilitate injuries, but it can also prevent them from occurring in the first place. Think of Powerball as body armour for the wrists and arms: Spinning Powerball for as little as 3 minutes a day is enough to significantly protect your upper-body limbs by keeping the muscles strong and supple. Maintain muscle health with Powerball and greatly reduce the chances of incurring an injury both in- and outside the dōjō.
Rehabilitate & Prevent Injuries
Your fingers, hands, arms and especially wrists are put under a lot of stress from the intense pressure of martial arts training. In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling, Judo or Akido where grappling heavy sessions can lead to acute force or impact injuries or chronic ongoing repetitive strain injuries. Powerball is uniquely adept at preventing and treating both of these types of injuries.
Powerball’s revolutionary isometric resistance exercise is highly effective at repairing damaged muscles and tendons, all the while increasing the strength and endurance of the upper limbs. This leads to a faster, more effective recovery and means that you can get back to training much sooner than you otherwise might have.
Not only does Powerball exercise rehabilitate injuries, but it can also prevent them from occurring in the first place. Think of Powerball as body armour for the wrists and arms: Spinning Powerball for as little as 3 minutes a day is enough to significantly protect your upper-body limbs by keeping the muscles strong and supple. Maintain muscle health with Powerball and greatly reduce the chances of incurring an injury both in- and outside the dōjō.
No matter what your game, improve it with Powerball.
Check out the pages below to see how Powerball can help you improve your sporting performance today.