Rotator Cuff Strengthening Exercises with Powerball
Powerball and Powerspin are unique and revolutionary ways to rehabilitate and treat rotator cuff injuries. Rotator cuff strengthening is easy with non-impact isometric resistance that can only come from spinning Powerball or Powerspin. Our Powerball products are physician-approved and come with physio-designed programs to help you get the most out of your rehab and strengthening. With over 4 million sold worldwide Powerball is the proven solution.
Rehabilitate Rotator Cuff InjuriesBenefit From Non-Impact ResistanceStrengthen As You RecoverPrevent Rotator Cuff Issues
Rehabilitate Rotator Cuff Injuries
Rehabilitate a rotator cuff injury and experience pain relief in seconds, simply by exercising with Powerspin and Powerball. Both of these exercise devices generate isometric resistance as you spin them. This resistance works its way along the entire kinetic chain of the arm, delving deep into muscle tissue and driving circulation to the shoulder joint. This increase in circulation carries oxygen and healing nutrients to any inflamed or sore areas in the shoulder where they immediately soothe and relieve pain. Start to feel like you again – get back to a healthy, active and pain-free lifestyle with our Powerball products today.
Benefit from Non-Impact Resistance
Exercise with Powerball and Powerspin is 100% non-impact, meaning it does not place any unnecessary strain on an injured shoulder. What’s more, isometric exercise with Powerball and Powerspin engages a much higher percentage of muscle fibres than standard isotonic exercise does. This allows you to recover much more quickly with long-term results and absolutely zero pain. With this in mind, you need never worry about over-exerting yourself or worsening your injury when you exercise with our Powerball products.
Strengthen as You Recover
What makes Powerball and Powerspin so unique is their dual power of rehabilitation and strengthening. At the start of your recovery, spin Powerball/Powerspin at slow speeds to benefit from effective rotator cuff treatment and rehabilitation. As the isometric resistance acts fast to repair and rejuvenate damaged muscle tissue, it also engages your muscles to actively strengthen as you recover. And as your symptoms begin to fade, you can gradually increase your Powerball/Powerspin spin speed and get back to full strength once more.
Prevent Rotator Cuff Issues
Even after you have fully recovered from your rotator cuff injury, we recommend continuing to use Powerball and/or Powerspin on a regular basis to benefit from continual injury prevention. Think of it as an extra layer of body armour for your shoulder joint – exercise with our Powerball products maintains muscle and joint health to keep you strong and injury-free. All it takes is 3 minutes a day to greatly lower your risk of a rotator cuff injury and prevent it from reoccurring in the shoulder again.
Prevent Rotator Cuff Issues
Even after you have fully recovered from your rotator cuff injury, we recommend continuing to use Powerball and/or Powerspin on a regular basis to benefit from continual injury prevention. Think of it as an extra layer of body armour for your shoulder joint – exercise with our Powerball products maintains muscle and joint health to keep you strong and injury-free. All it takes is 3 minutes a day to greatly lower your risk of a rotator cuff injury and prevent it from reoccurring in the shoulder again.
Do you have one of the following injuries?
Using Powerball for as little as 3 minutes each day is a simple, yet effective way to treat and prevent rotator cuff injuries. Rehabilitate, Repair, Recover the Powerball Way.
The Causes of Rotator Cuff Pain?
The rotator cuff is a network of four muscles that attach the upper arm bone to the shoulder blade. These muscles assist in lifting and rotating the shoudler. Repetitive lifting or overhead movement in sports or lifestyle activities can cause inflammation of the shoulder tendons or the subacromial bursa (a tiny fluid-filled sac that prevents friction during shoulder movement) which can result in a rotator cuff injury.